Thursday, March 26, 2020

Pinterest for Educators

1.What did you learn from using an aggregator in this way?
        I learned that many educators use Pinterest for classroom inspirations and ideas for lesson plans and curriculum. Pinterest is much more than a socialization site because it offers content that covers many topics. 

2.How do you believe you will utilize aggregators as a teacher?  
       I will use aggregators as an educator to support families at home who can access the page for activity ideas as well as a place to compile ideas of things I would implement in the classroom. 

3.What are the strengths of Pinterest as an aggregator?
       Pinterest is very user friendly and does not require a paid subscription to use. Pinterest also allows users to directly follow other pages to see their content and create their own inspiration. 

4.What are some of the challenges of using Pinterest?
       One challenge I noticed while using this aggregator is that some of the pins have trouble editing comments and the tech support aspect is lacking. The error codes do not offer a troubleshoot and it leaves the user feeling frustrated. 

5.What comments, questions, thoughts, opinions, and/or feedback do you have about Pinterest?
        I believe that Pinterest is a very easy way to compile ideas and leave instructions for families who may access your page. It is also available that they can see inspired pins based off of what the educator has made available. I enjoy Pinterest in my personal time and can see myself using it in a professional capacity. 

Assignment 6

With the current pandemic sweeping the globe I've been relying on technology even more than I have in the past. I am mainly engaging with google platforms and blackboard for my online school work. The biggest impact of the social distancing order is on my personal life. I'm still working a few days a week under reduced hours so the impact on that is smaller than some. One positive to come out of the distancing order is that my family is spending a lot more time together. Looking forward to when some of the restrictions are lifted I think people will be excited to get back to normal but they may be more cautious of how they spend money. They also may be more prepared year round as a precaution if something like this should ever happen again. It could also change how families raise their children and the potential issues that could come with their immune systems. As a future educator, I think this pandemic could reduce classroom sizes and creating more strict hygiene policies around hand washing. I also believe the janitorial staff will have a harder job of cleaning because they will be deep cleaning more frequently to avoid the spread of any sickness.